20 Sep 2013

4R Knowledge Products

As part of the 4R nutrient stewardship dissemination program, a series of extension products targeted at both extension officers and farmers have been developed in partnership with various institutions in East, West and Southern Africa. Key knowledge products include;

    i. 4R extension manual

      Development of the 4R manual for SSA is on course. Staff from IPNI have compiled the first draft of the manual. Collaborations with researchers from South, East, and West Africa have been engaged for the development of suitable modules addressing each of the major regions in SSA.

    ii. 4R Videos

      Various video materials have been produced through the involvement of national television media houses and footage on best nutrient management practices has been collected and aired on national television further helping in the dissemination of 4R nutrient stewardship practices.

    iii. Development of print 4R extension content
      In collaboration with CABI, staff from IPNI have developed print extension content targeted at farmers and extension officers on the following topics;

More about: Promoting 4R Nutrient Stewardship in Africa