4R Training
Field based training is a key component of the dissemination of 4R nutrient stewardship knowledge. To ensure increased dissemination of 4R knowledge, farmers in the study site have been actively involved during key demo site activities such as planting, weeding and top dressing. Further, farmer's field days have been held at each of the three divisions where the demo sites are located. During these field days, the nutrient omission trials were used to train farmers on the role of each of the primary macro nutrients on crop growth and development, identification of visual crop nutrient deficiency symptoms, and best nutrient management practices. The participation of other stakeholders from various research and development institutions in the field days ensured that other issues facing farmers such as crop pests and diseases, availability of fertilizers, and access to markets were also addressed. More field days addressing various aspects of 4R nutrient stewardship have been scheduled in the course of the project duration